How do I get more reviews? This is an important question. We have the answer and it is simpler than you think. There are many ways to ask customers for a review, however getting customers to do the reviews is the hard part, JetCom can help!


Just Ask

How do you get reviews? Just ask your customers to leave you one... Or we can do that for you. Reviews are so important, sometimes just one bad review can prevent a potential customer from choosing your shop. If your shop has multiple positive reviews a user will more likely ignore a bad review.


Positive Reviews

Request a review from surveyed customers where you have already received positive feedback. When your shop has good reviews, the JetCom program automates a process that pushes your review info to all major review websites. The process can also include positive posts to your social media accounts letting everyone know how hard you work to keep your customers happy.

What do your reviews look like?

Star envy? The importance of online reviews can make or break the opportunity of obtaining a new customer. Stars are not as hard to get as you might think. Hardest part should only be having the stars show up online, that is where JetCom comes in.


JetCom helps you contact your customers automatically so your customers take the time to do those online reviews. The JetCom multi-method Contact Campaign reaches out to your customers in their preferred method of contact to request those very important online reviews that build your reputation. We can help!

Control Panel

The Resource center works directly with your shop management system.

The Resource Center is designed to be securely accessible from any device, no matter where you are. With it's user-friendly interface you can monitor and activate reviews. The panel allows you to:

  • View reviews.
  • Respond to reviews.
  • Push reviews to major review websites.
  • Track data of reviews.

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Online Reviews

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